Welcome to Heart Zones:
The Fit*Tech Company
Magnifying Wellness, Innovating Fitness, and Promoting Healthy Solutions
Train Smarter & Heart-er
Heart Zones motivates and inspires individuals to achieve new fitness goals using our training, methodology, and technology—coaching you on how to translate fitness data into actionable results.
Learn how to further engage your heart with our suite of products.

Heart Zones' Account Managers
Our regional account managers strive to equip schools and institutions worldwide with the tools they need to transform physical education with technology.
With Heart Zones, student and instructor alike can cultivate lifelong habits of wellness.
Meet the Managers

Heart Zones' Founder & CEO
One of America's leading experts in business, exercise science, and lifestyle living. Sal is a serial entrepreneur, prolific author, professional runner and triathlete. Her passion is to get America healthy and moving with the company she founded in 1993.
Meet Sal Edwards

Heart Zones' Support Team
Our support members are here to assist with any issue you may have!
From our home office in Sacramento, California, our support team handles the business operations, tech support, shipping, e-commerce, and marketing.