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Priscila Degobbi

Sales Manager – Brazil

Heralding from Sao Paulo, Brazil, Priscila is passionate about fitness and health for all. She is working with Heart Zones and others to develop the Heart Zones technology, methodology, and training, aka the 3 Pillars, to bring an exciting new solution to her people. One of the proofs of her passion since childhood is her deliberate and respectful education credentials from multiple universities.

All of Priscillaā€™s academic credentials relate closely to her current work of fusing business and her passion for fitness into a way to help Brazilians get fit and fitter. Some of those graduate and post-graduate degrees are in rehabilitation, physical education, exercise physiology, and strength training. Additionally, Priscilla earned an MBA, masters in business administrate from the Academy Management Veiga Almeida University of RJ in 2007.

Bilingual speaking both Portuguese and English, Priscila today lives with her family in Sao Paulo representing Heart Zones, training clients, and encouraging all in her community to live the fitness lifestyle.