Recovery period is one of the least understood and appreciated parts of the training tree, yet it is a critical part of your training phases or periods. (This recovery period is not to be confused with weekly recovery days where you may workout 5 days a week and recover for 2 days. It is also not to be confused with the short periods of recovery you may take in between sprints or reps.) The recovery period does not consist of “junk workouts” or time just spent in a low zone. Rather, it is a period in your annual training schedule when it is time to take a break while still maintaining fitness. Some athletes choose to develop a training plan with a recovery period in the “off season.” In this cycling of workouts, a recovery period is critical to allow the body a long period of rest (up to 4-8 weeks) to recover from the rigors of high-intensity training regimens. All recovery workouts are in the two lower zones with an infrequent lower Aerobic zone workout. The benefit is recuperative in all ways from intramuscular to emotional rest.
Frequency: 4-6
Duration: 15 minutes – 1 hour
Period: 4 weeks – 3 months
Heart Zones: Zone 1: Blue Zone, Zone 2: Green Zone and Zone 3: Yellow Zone
Benefits: Rest and to regain energy
More to come ..
Keep your eyes peeled as we continue to release excerpts throughout upcoming weeks. If you want to read the entire book, make sure to swing by our online store and grab a copy: The Heart Rate Monitor Guidebook.