metabolic storm

The Perfect Metabolic Storm Is Hitting

Take a serious glance at America and her northern neighbors to see what is amassing the perfect calamity. Put together this modern scenario: the summation of increased work hours, elimination of physical labor, the popularity of sedentary forms of entertainment, eating nutrient-poor meals outside the home, dangerous environmental conditions, and the generation (born from 1970-1990…

220-age Max Heart Rate

The Curse of the Formula

Maximum Heart Rate Disputed When the past president of the American College of Sports Medicine, Carl Foster, Ph. D. said to me recently, “the formula 220-age is worse than useless” I shouted “hooray”. This is the formula for estimating your individual maximum heart rate. This formula is worthless. It is one of the primary reasons…

Triathlon Swimmers

You Are Not The Only One

Imagine yourself approaching the starting line of your first triathlon. The sun is emerging over the eastern horizon. You are in the company of thousands of women who look like experienced triathletes. They are dressed to the nines. They are engaged in their pre-race rituals: racking their bikes, setting up their transition areas, taking off…