The CARES Act and Heart Zones Cares – Part 1

Free & Quick Money For PE and Health Teachers CARES[1] Act provides Coronavirus financial aid for K-12 public schools in need of technology.  Within this $2 trillion legislation, K-12 public schools are allocated $13.2 billion for emergency funding called the ESSER Fund[2] for to respond to the impact that COVID-19 has placed on school programs.…

The Importance of Physical Education In Schools

Our communities, schools, students, and teachers are facing unprecedented challenges including social distancing, sanitization protocols, shifting instructional formats (i.e., hybrid models, virtual programming) and fiscal responsibilities. As the COVID crisis continues, Heart Zones remains dedicated to stressing the importance of physical education. Two clear results of the current constraints in education are the spike in…

Zone 4: The Threshold Zone

Welcome to the Threshold zone! Even if you don’t choose to train in the Z4 Threshold zone, it’s a place you’re no doubt familiar with, though maybe you are unfamiliar with its name. Here’s a hint: this is also known as the “shortness of breath” zone. Sound familiar? It’s the zone where you feel the…